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At Adonais Lamp Books, we not only offer a platform for authors to share their resources necessary to support their writing journey. Our founder, having experienced the process firsthand, understands the challenges and joys of writing and self-publishing. That's why we are committed to sharing her knowledge and step-by-step process, from starting a book to navigating the publishing world, through our website.

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Adonai’s Lamp Books was established in 2023.

It all began with a manuscript, a heartfelt memoir written by Adriane McCann. This manuscript recounted the extraordinary life of her grandmother, a woman who had witnessed the turn of the century, having been born in the year 1906. The author's intention was clear – to share her grandmother's story and offer solace to those who had experienced childhood trauma, just as her grandmother had. She believed that by chronicling her grandmother's life, she could provide support and inspiration to individuals who had walked a similar path.

Inspired by this memoir's profound impact, the Adonai’s Lamp Books team set out to create a platform where individuals could share their stories effectively. They understood that storytelling has immense power, and it can heal, inspire, and connect people from all walks of life. They envisioned a space where experiences, both joyful and challenging, could be shared openly and honestly, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding.

But it wasn't enough to provide a platform for storytelling. Adonai’s Lamp Books was determined to go the extra mile. They recognized that support and guidance were crucial elements in every personal journey. And so, they committed themselves to sharing the resources to help individuals navigate their narratives, offering a guiding light through the murkier paths.

Adonai’s Lamp Books firmly believed in the power of community. They saw the immense strength that could be derived from walking this journey together, hand in hand. They encouraged individuals to share their stories, listen to others, and offer support and encouragement.

So, dear reader, whether you are here to share your story or to lend an empathetic ear, Adonai’s Lamp Books welcomes you with open arms. Together, let us illuminate the path ahead, embracing the power of storytelling and supporting one another as we journey through the tapestry of life.

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